Previous appointment notes should print on schedules
awaiting response
Kara Steuer
Currently, the only way to ensure our stylists have the most recent color formula printed on the day's schedule is to copy and pase the previous appointment's color formula. Obviously this is time consuming for our front desk. There is already a checkbox for showing service and color notes on the schedule. It seems it would make sense to print the prev. appointment notes on the current appointment.
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Hi Kara Steuer,
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback. To make sure I'm looking at the right area could you let me know which print you are using at the moment? (e.g. click the print icon on the appointment screen and then print selected column - or the steps you take to print at the moment)
Kara Steuer
Phorest Product we print our stylists' schedules from the reports section, via staff appointments currently.