I absolutely LOVE the new reports with the staff breakdown in insights!!! DANG you all nailed it!!!
May I request on the metric for measuring Average Retail... It should be measured against ALL clients/tickets rung out verses only the tickets that had retail. Reason being it is more accurate to the health of your retailing. Having a stylist that sells to 3 people out of 20 with each client buying $100 in retail and it looks like the stylist did great Average Retail... which isn't so. I could have an employee that sells to 15 of her 20 guests and the average retail bought with the 15 only be $50. Technically that is better! Not the one that only sold to 3 guests. The stylist selling $50 to 15 guests average retail ticket against the 20 guests is $37.5 ART. The stylist selling $100 to 3 guests against the 20 is only an average $15 retail ticket. Just because you have a few high tickets in retail doesn't mean you are good at retailing. It's a false illusion that you are doing well. Truth is selling to more guests creates more loyalty and a healthier client base.
This is why many of us like to look at the piece per client and the Care Factor too. More true health of the business line.
Let me know if you need more info on this. Every line you have in that report area is amazing. love love love it. Just need the ART to be more true than illusionary of doing well.
THANK YOU for listening and creating this data. Its sooooo useful and perfect for doing one on ones with our team.