book for multiple people online booking
if online booking will allow you to book multiple appointments for multiple people and not all be under one persons name. A client was booking her daughters on the app but they were all booked under her name. Without having to log off and making new account for her daughters
Phorest Product
Thank you for your feedback around booking for more than one person online. We are pleased to announce we have made some improvements on our new Online Booking platform to cater for these types of bookings.
To create a group booking, clients can select the services they want to book, click the "+" group button , add guests, and then choose which services to allocate to which people (see attached example).
Full details can be found here:
Thank you again for your patience and feedback!
Product Manager @ Phorest
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Book multiple client
00 Alison .
It would be good if a client was able to book an appointment for eg. a family member under that members name instead of booking under their name then having to change it when a different person arrives for the appointment. We get this a lot with mothers and daughters, husbands and wives it would also mean that the correct person gets a consultation form and reminder
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Parent have the ability to book child
Siobhan McCaffrey
Cole's Melissa has suggested we allow parents to add their children to their online booking to easily book them in, the linked clients creates a mess.
Jessica Dugan
Please work on this!! It’s 2024
Betty Thomas
I assume you are referring to online booking? Because that is an issue for us as well. Each family member needs their own login currently, but people don't want to deal with that so they will book under the logged in name even if the appointment is meant for another family member.
Natalie Grider
Why don’t you just put the correct persons name in the first time?
Ginnie Stinger
This is the #1 problem we get asked about. Clients booking multiple children can't even book the same service twice under the same name. Clients do not want to have to create separate online accounts and login and log out of accounts just to make multiple appointments. Out of any software update this would probably be the most helpful one.
Rachel Eskin
7 years later and no progress on this. Seems like a simple request to have the information for all guests booking as a group.
Sonja Lorscheidt
Yes, group booking and probably using linked client cards for this is on our backlog to be tackled but I'm afraid it's not in 2022.
Joana Kappen
I would like to follow this suggestion and directly propose a "mother account". There are many literally mothers who book the appointments for their husbands and children. They don't want to register online several times just to make the last booking again. Or even always add an extra text to the booking like: "For my husband Peter" Maybe you could call it "mother account" or "family booking"?
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