Appointment reschedule info for salon staff
Colm O'Neill
When a client re-schedules their appointment the salon receives an email letting them know.
It shows the new time, but doesn't show the previous time which is now a free slot. This would be very useful for the salon to know so that they can adjust their personal schedule or try to promote that slot to a different client.
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Client reschedule email shall contain original and new appointment details
Kerry McKay
Can the email that we get to say a client has rescheduled tell us the original appointment plus the new appointment?
Phorest Product
Carma Pleshette Bradley
Please please please add this function
Susan Kirsch
Agree this is a great suggestion
Waters Edge
Yes!!!! That would be so helpful!!!
Lucy Brown
Would save me loads of time looking up when they were originally booked in
Janine Wisewell
Yes please
Marisa Tirone
yes please
Lisa McGuinness
this would be a great asset!
Eleni Kiomourtzi
Yes many clients call to ask to reschedule or when was their appointment if we move this to the client it will reduce the calls
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