Adding a 'Finish Time' to a color booking
under review
Robynn Cyr
Add an optional third component in color bookings to allow for finish time. This is different than a blowdry or haircut. This allows for the stylist or colorist to rinse and/or tone their guest prior to their haircut or blowdry service.
Sonja Lorscheidt
I think I know what she means and will take it on. It's important for online bookings. :-)
Robynn Cyr
Sonja Lorscheidt: Thank you!!! I will message you more details separately but I think you've got it covered ;)
Sonja Lorscheidt
under review
Seán O'Sullivan
Seán O'Sullivan
Not sure I understand the use case fully. Wouldn't we currently allow this where a booking can contain color service, processing time, wash/tone service, cut/blowdry service?