Email Template
Louise Stewart
Create a template for our brand emails which will make all our emails a bit different but consistent. We can work from that template for each new email, therefore not having to add all sections every time, like logo, address, fb link etc. We may also want a specific colour background or feint photo behind each one.
Alex Heavens
I suggested this before, just having a header & footer. So, our footer can be our socials, contact details etc
Emma Ginever
Once you have sent one email you can reuse it as a template
Rebecca G
Emma Ginever yeah we do this... but it would be so much better to have a folder that saves templates... because we have had to remake emails that we have used in the past because it doesn't save all emails forever. Such as an email for when people cancel their membership, this might only happen once or twice a year.... but the sent templates don't save for all time. Love if there was a way to save particular sent emails as a template.
Emma Ginever
Rebecca G oh tight I see what you are saying now. Yes then I agree