awaiting response
Evanna Woods
The waitlist from "old appointments" did not transfer over. The orginization of the waitlist is awful. The page is laggy and glitches. Overall it is a bad design
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Hi Evanna Woods,
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback. Could you provide some context on how the organisation/design of the waitlist is not effective so that I can pass that onto the team?
Evanna Woods
Phorest ProductThe old version of the waitlist was much more convenient for our needs at our location. None of the previous client on the list transferred over, making it impossible to know who was on the list previously. It also doesn’t allow for selection of time that works best for the clients. Having specific times over “morning” “afternoon” or “anytime” is better for us. Or in addition to those letting us specify the time that works for the client would be beneficial
Evanna Woods
Even if transferring the waitlist over isn’t possible having a “try old appointments” button would be beneficial so we can look at the previous waitlist and reach out to clients about openings
Phorest Product
Evanna Woods: thank you for the additional context, we will be adding an option to add time ranges as it's certainly a common request! On the button for old appointments, unless you use the multi-merchant feature in the salon that should be there for you at the moment. If not please let me know and I will raise it.