Time/dates appointment was booked online/in person
Shelby Tarleton
It would be helpful to have away for the team to view what day and time the appointment was booked wether it was online or in person!
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Time of booked appointment
Parlor Hair Company
It would be lovely to know when appointments have been made and whether it was in person or over the phone.
Phorest Product
You can currently see this information by clicking on the audit/trail option within the appointment. The first entry will show the date created and method
Traci Roesler
The old version of "audit" was super helpful in back tracking of that particular appts history. we have many schedulers and many clients who book a year in advance. it's beneficial for documentation and accountability of staff
Phorest Product
Hiya Shelby, thanks for this post! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you provide more context on how this feature would be used in your daily operations?
- Would you like this feature to be accessible to all staff members or only certain roles?
- Do you have a preference for how this information should be displayed?