Show waitlist appointments in client history
gathering feedback
Traci R
We would like to see a pending request in the "future appointment" tab in client card. SOme way to know that a client calling in has been placed on the pednig list, happens to call in to see if any openings. We fins one but they remain on the pending list because we had no corrolation to be reminded of it and to cxl them off the pending.
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
New waitlist - past/future appointments
Can you add an option to see clients history/future apps when booking putting them on the waitlist instead of having to go to the client cards to save from having to take too many steps. We are finding when we are too busy stylists are still scribbling done wait lists as they say it takes them to long to go check all the details and then back to the wait list to add
Rachel Jenkins
Definitely need clarity on if a client is on the waitlist already.
Phorest Product
gathering feedback
Sophie Tester