Service history not showing on New Appointment Screen
awaiting response
Heather Stafford
When I click on 'Try New Appointments' the visibility is nice and seems to be larger when you hover over an appointment. However, if you click the Notes button at the bottom of the screen you no longer see all the information you could easily see in the "old" version.
Being able to see Service History and notes all together in one place is very helpful.
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Hi Heather Stafford,
Thank you for taking the time to post feedback. We are evaluating what salons use the notes button for at the moment so thank you for your feedback there. The notes section on the appointment slideover (when you double click on an appointment) hopefully gives a better display of the note information.
We also updated the appointment history section when on the appointment slideover with some filters that let you see only those appointments with notes.
Heather Stafford
Phorest Product it is a lot quicker to click on an appointment and be able to click on the notes tab at the bottom of the screen instead of double click the appointment, click client card, and then look at past services. When you then close everything you have to acknowledge you are closing without saving changes on both the client card and appointment. It is extra steps that are unneccesary when you already have the functionality on the "current/old" version of appointments.
Paula Colarusso
Phorest Product we use theNotes function ALLLLL THE TIME