qualified staff
gathering feedback
Melissa Vredenburg
When booking an appointment I don't want every service showing up as an option for all stylists. I have certain services that are only for myself that my stylists keep choosing even when I have the service turned off for them
Lani Cochran
The new appointment planner isn't helping with that either! When selecting a service and then selecting staff, it gives our entire staff list. Reception needs to be able to remember who is qualified for what? Makes no sense.
Maria Jenkins
I am not sure about this. We have some providers who are not qualified for services in the system because they don't typically perform the services, but they will occasionally do the service for a specific client. We need to be able to book those.
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Prevent staff overriding "unqualified" warning
Tim Knight
As a rule, I do not want staff to be able to override the warning "selected staff is unqualified for this service" because it causes chaos. I do not believe that is currently an option in Access Levels. (Sorry - this is in the wrong category. Obviously this is an appointment issue)
Phorest Product
gathering feedback
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Services showing for stylists who aren't qualified
Melissa Vredenburg
It would be nice if only the services a stylist is qualified to do shows up in the booking screen
Cindy Lauby