Price Checks!
Maria Hefte
I need a way to scan my barcodes directly from the appointment screen for the sole purpose of price checks -> right now, I am having to pretend I'm going through a full check out process just to give guests a number, and it is incredibly cumbersome.
Heather Stafford
Phorest Admin Phorest Product this is marked as complete. Do you have the information to share on how it works?
Phorest Product
Rowena Yeager
We had this on the desk top version but not on the web version. hmmmm
Luke Perger
Have you tried just doing this through the purchase tab on the side of phorest as a walk-in to give them the product price? Alternatively maybe you need a price list to accompany the products on the shelf. Our retail brands have price lists with each product and price that sits on the shelf with our retail units. It’s a great quick way to give them the price.
Maria Hefte
Luke Perger Yes; it takes too long because I can't simply scan the barcode -> I have to input a Client as if they are purchasing first, then select an employee then select the product tab button, then I am allowed to scan....It's too long, by the time I've done all this, the client is disinterested.
-> we have farrrr too many products to be applying hand-written notes to each one; especially when the prices inevitably change...! FAR too much hassle; Phorest used to have a price check feature from which you could continue from the pop up window to either a professional deduction page or to the purchase screen and the price-checked item would then start the ticket; so seamless.
Heather Stafford
Maria Hefte does your front desk have access to inventory under Manager? You could go to inventory and scan it to see the price.
Holly Walters
We bought a usb scanner which works great for this. It goes right into the purchase line as an item. If the client doesn't want to add it, we x it out.
Maria Hefte
Holly Walters Yes, we have a scanner; the problem is, I can't see any prices until I go through the full process of creating a purchase ticket first; not all clients intend on purchasing, they're just browsing and I need something that is more of a pop-up windown -> the old screen had this feature.