Icon to alert of health issues
Meagan Maurici
Hi can we please add a new icon ( Like the star for new clients) That alerts the therapist of bigger contraindications for example cancer, pregnancy, epilepsy as i am finding that sometimes staff are not reading consultation forms and worried they could be missed
Natalie Jarvis
Great idea! Many clients have conditions and we need to alter what treatments they can have.
Phorest Product
Hey Meagan and Heather! Thanks for the feedback, quite an interesting point we haven't heard before. I'll bring this idea to the team to discuss it.
Meagan Maurici
Phorest Product thanks for example shortcuts used to have an alert symbol and if you hovered mouse over that a note would pop up if their allergies / contraindication
Heather Stafford
This is a great idea. We have clients at assisted living facilities and an icon like this would help in knowing we have clients who need wheelchairs, assistance, Alzheimer’s, etc.
Also, an icon to indicate the client has recurring appointments would be great.