I would love to be able to sms text our clients from the main computer instead of just the app.
Initial Access
Initial Access
LOVE this. We are coming mango mint and this feature was a huge help! Its also easier for our front desk to respond quicker.
z9. K. P.
Iive chat on desktop or web version on appointment page would be great feature as well, so you. An click any client on appointment screen and able to live chat or send a 2 way text message
z9. K. P.
I am asking this feature, 2 way text message via appointment screen on web, desktop and Phorest 10 versions .
We don't use tablet too often and mainly use desktop or web version of Phorest, so that would be a great feature.
I am asking this feature for a long time but seems like development team not giving this feature a priority.
*House Account
i would also like to have this option available. i would prefer to have both options but if its one or the other id rather have access through the app. that way if we are not in the salon we can still communicate
Anna Orn
This would be terribly convenient for our team!
Lori Didonato
YES, YES, YES. Other systems have this. There is literally NO reason why this has not been prioritized. We also need to be able to receive pictures in our texting systems!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE Prioritize this!!!!
Bea Heyes
I've asked for this numerous times. It's so basic, I can't understand why Phorest don't have it.
This would be ammmmmazing! What a good way to keep reception off their phones while working the desk