How to check out No Shows.
Morgan Turney
Having to book a separate appointment to check out someone as a no show takes a lot of extra time. It would be helpful to have a "No Show" button next to the "Check in" button that made the process much simpler!
Alex Heavens
It's also annoying that NO SHOW consent forms then remain at the top of the list all day, meaning you have to scroll to find current clients, & runs the risk of missing forms.
Hazel Sibbald
Agreed you need to leave it in the diary so marks on client account as a no show. Though I believe there is no detail to that. I make the appointment 1 minute, so other appointments can be booked in. If you’re lucky
Rebecca G
Yes!!! I love this suggestion. We have changed our policy to take 50% at time of booking, and I have to go in and just delete the money on account, I would love a way to take the payment as a no show so there is a record on their account of what has happened. a button next to check in would be the perfect solution. and I would definiltey like the appointment to stay grey in the book and not turn green after payment. so we can see at a glance which appointments are no shows
Mike Messenger
It is a bit confusing as you want to keep the record of a No Show, yet charge the customer. Agreed a "No Show" option would be good. Love how it works for online bookings to charge. But the appointment should not go green on the diary or needs some way of showing that it was a No Show
Leah Marshall
I actually leave them. They go grey on screen and records them as a no show on their profile. Is this not correct?
Jennifer Geraghty
Leah Marshall yes that's the right way but if you want to charge them and keep it grey on the screen, which is what we prefer, you have to create a new ticket and then we have a "no show/cancelled under 24 hours" service that we select and adjust price. That way it still stays grey and they get charged.
Leah Marshall
Jennifer Geraghty oh sorry I didn’t realise it was to charge them. We do struggle with the no shows. It really is annoying and costly.
Heather Stafford
Jennifer Geraghty we have a “service” called No Show/Late Cancellation and what we do is click on the appointment and click pay. Once in the purchase screen X out the service they didn’t show for, add a new service (No show) and enter how much you are charging. The original service will turn grey and reflect a no show but you will charge them.
Jennifer Geraghty
Heather Stafford we used to do that but it will not leave the appt grey to indicate a no show.
Heather Stafford
Jennifer Geraghty that's strange. I wonder if we have different versions. Ours stay grey but only if we use the X on the purchase screen versus changing the service on the purchase screen. These 2 grey services were charged for the No Show fee and stayed grey. I'm using the web browser and not the desktop application.
Agreeeeed! We have to create a separate service for no shows and change the price and it’s annoying