Full Purchase History
gathering feedback
Madelaine Berenyi
There is a Product History, but it does not show a full history of every transaction made under the client. For example, if a client purchases a gift card for someone, that does not show up anywhere on their profile.
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
way to see client purchases/history
Kendra Niehaus
is there a way to make the notes button on the main screen show the clients past service history and retail purchases like on the old version?
Leah Marshall
I would like to see a clients spend history including both services and courses plus products with their payment type.
Amanda Baer
Yes! Same with deposits!
Terri Horch
It would be great to have it all in the Client's Profile - so you don't have to go back & forth into the different screens, like sales, reports, etc. Just be able to view ALL a client's purchase history in their Client Profile.
Brett Sauder
Well i think it would be great if you were able to access a client’s profile and edit a receipt from there as well as going into manager>sales. And to be able to see full history of all sales
Phorest Product
gathering feedback
This is a great idea! Would something like the sales screen (Manager>Sales) that shows all the clients transactions work here?
- Sean
Tina ~
Phorest Product: having all info in one place woyld be helpful. To be able to see a full receipt , including tips from the client profile and not having to go back and forth between service and product, and then go to sales screen to find the receipt .