Easily Change Services
awaiting response
Phorest Account
With the new desktop appointment screen it’s extremely difficult to change the service. For instance if someone books a retouch and they are actually a foil. The receptionist is having to delete the appt altogether and rebook the new one. We should be able to just tap the service and change the service. It gets even more cumbersome if there is a deposit attached or if the booking is a package.
Maria Jenkins
The undo button was very nice on the old appointment screen. Perfect for if a mistake was made.
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Changing Services/ Departments
Novak Salon Suites
I like the look of it all but it does take way too many steps to have to change the service for our front desk rather than seeing the quick categories as before. Also since we have over 45 stylists, having them all in one screen is too complicated so we do need them on different tabs but having to use a drop down rather than the tabs are just a bit inconvenient, if it could be a tab again just at the very top as before
Michelle Short
We are finding if the client has paid a deposit and you change the service in the pay screen the deposit is not applied. You have to change the service in the appointment screen to keep the deposit. This makes the book look very distorted.
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Phorest Account,
Thank you for taking the time to submit feedback. At the moment you can click on the service in the appointment or purchase screen to swap it for a different service unless it is a package. Is this not working for you at the moment?
Phorest Account
Phorest Product most of our bookings are done as a package I believe because they are bundles with a cut or dry finish and also have an add on treatment or consultation option. What we are having issues with is if it’s say, a retouch with cut/style finish and a mask add on. Maybe once they are in the salon they decide it’s a full foil and not a retouch or maybe they decide they don’t want the haircut, but would rather just have the blow dry. We have to cancel the appt, refund the deposit and then rebook a new appt. This confuses the clients because they think we are stealing the deposit because it doesn’t show in their bank as returned right away. We explain the situation but it still makes them mad and co fused usually.
Kara Steuer
Phorest Product on top of what Christina mentioned, in order for our stylists to be paid properly we have to adjust from the appointment screen. Adjusting from the pay screen is not an option.
Chris Hadaway
Agree, when you have a client come in to make some changes to their booking prior to the appointment it isn't providing the best customer experience/journey in its current format
Allyson .
Sara Davis
Agreed! It feels like some unnecessary steps.
Kara Steuer
Completely agree- this doubles our checkout time and has made our guests grumpy