Ability to resend an appointment confirmation, reminder, review
under review
Betty Thomas
It would be great to send a second appointment reminder when the guest has not confirmed. EX: afternoon/eve prior to appointment to be able to cllck a button to RESEND reminder.
Phorest Product
under review
Hannah Taylor
Yes this would be good!
Charlie Varkonyi
Defiantly we should be able to send individual reminder by any time we wish to / we should be have this option under the the appointment / more feature and it should be optionable by SMS or Email both.
Lesley - Jane Carruthers
yes, used to have this with another software, it was really useful
Kerrianne Gonzales
Absolutely agree
Phorest Product
under review
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
Email button to send a reminder manually when an appointment is changed from desktop
Joan Novak
2 Things...I would like a "email/SMS" reminder button that I can manually send to the client if they ask for a reminder prior to leaving or to automatically send if I reschedule their appointment from the desktop or app on my device.
I know it sends it if the client does it from their account, but for me to have those 2 features would be great so I don't have to reply to their rescheduling email to confirm they are rebooked would be great.
Phorest Product
Merged in a post:
sms appointment confirmation.
Linda Sansom
Please Want to see client has received sms appointment confirmation, and be able to resend if we feel needed .
Nicole Marian
Our clients rely heavily on the text message that confirm the booking of an appointment. When they make a change to the appointment, whether it be time or date, they frequently ask if they will receive a new text.
Upon leaving appointments, we confirm the next appointment booked and again, they ask for it to be texted. Then we go back to the cards and write it down!
So yes, an option to separately SMS/email would be beneficial.
Mike Messenger
Agreed this would be nice, or even to send their future appointment schedule
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