We would like to be able to put a service through as a cancellation fee instead of having to change the amount. It would be great to track this in report as well as having a pop up saying a client owes an outstanding amount. This would also mean that if we had it set to a set % we wouldn't need to allow staff to change the price function.
awaiting response
Cameron Dermody
A Myra Pardue
This would be great- When we charge our no-show fee from an appointment that was NOT booked online, it doesn't count as a cancelation/no-show in the system and it should! If there was a pop-up when you cancel/delete an appointment the same way there is when you delete an online appointment same day that would be PERFECTION.
Casey Ebert
Yes! I have been asking for this since I started with Phorest. All these reports and we can’t track cancelation fees?!
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Hi Cameron Dermody,
Thank you for taking the time to post feedback. To make sure I understand what you are asking is the below correct?
When charging a cancellation/no-show fee for a client using PhorestPay we should allow the salon to set a % fee so it is processed without requiring the salon staff to enter anything
Cameron Dermody
Phorest Product100% and as Casey said an easy way to track it too!