Need ability to audit items checked out incorrectly in new sales screen. Example: We audit tickets every 2 weeks before payroll and need to go in and edit ticket items when they are rung up under the wrong service provider, or if the tip is allocated to the wrong person, etc.. sometimes we need to edit the item as it was rung up under the incorrect one. We also have stylists that tip share a portion of their tips before payroll and have us go in and allocate a specified amount to another stylist. We do this with our associates and shampoo techs. In any case, we need the ability to go in and edit a line item or tip allocation in the new sales screen. We do not need to edit amount owed or due.
In new sales it says we cannot edit a ticket from a closed till. In old sales we can go in any time and fix the mistakes and click pay to close out the ticket again. Please fix it so we can use the new sales screen and still continue to fix our tickets when needed. Or at least give the option to temporarily open a previous til for edits.