Deposit Refund button
awaiting response
Rebecca Dernedde
Please can we have a deposit refund button at point of sale. The current system of having to go back into the appointment, delete the service to refund the despot and then re add the service to check out is so backward! We are accidentally refunding clients because of this process
Mike Messenger
We change the service to avoid refunding the deposit. We also have a zero cost service called "Online Booking Amendment" for those tricky ones
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Hi Rebecca Dernedde,
Thank you for taking the time to post feedback. Could you let me know the context around why the deposit is being refunded? It will help me to understand which of our flows the issue relates to.
Rebecca Dernedde
Phorest Product Hi Sean, it’s mostly for clients who have booked online and want to pay for their treatment with a gift voucher. But also we sometimes have regulars who have a legitimate reason for a late cancellation that we would like to refund the deposit to.
Phorest Product or want to pay cash