Going to a booking from the Client's Service History
awaiting response
Lesley Mitchell
It would be really helpful to be able to go straight to a booking from the client's Service History tab by clicking on a particular booking, instead of having to go out and go on the calendar to get to that day.
Phorest Product
awaiting response
Hi Lesley Mitchell,
Thank you for taking the time to post feedback. If you click on a clients appointment in their history at the moment it should open a slideover panel, on that panel if you click on the date it should open the appointment screen on that date for you.
Please do let me know if that doesnt' work for you.
Lesley Mitchell
Phorest Product I can't see any slide over panel when clicking on the next appointment date in the History. If I double click it, it wants to add this service to today's booking. Can you email me a slideshow with pictures so I can see how to do this please.
Lesley Mitchell
Phorest Product Apologies for the delay in getting back to you. I can't see that option on my screenl.