If a client asks our front desk staff to print out a previous transaction from a few months ago the process is to look up the past time they were in via client card, then go to sales, then go to the specific day in question, then search for the client on that day. It takes way too long and too many clicks to access this important information.
When we have guests waiting to check out and phones ringing it can feel so frustrating to complete this simple task.
In other systems all of the clients past information is in one place. You click on ticket history, then double click on the one you want to pull up, then press print. That is 4 clicks.
Currently in phorest we can't even search for a clients past ticket without going to the specific day they were in.
There needs to at least be a way to search the entire data base for one clients past tickets, and also have a tab in their client card with this information. A simple double click on the transaction to pull it up.