Front desk/manager schedule
Mandy Williams
I would like to have an option for a front desk/manager schedule that allows the desk/managers to have an online schedule to see on the software. I’m other words a schedule that is not meant for booking clients, but says who is working, and Amy schedule changes.
Heather Stafford
This would be GREAT! It would be nice to use the roster for the front desk team and have it in such a way as we can easily look at it for those individuals. Also, a way to break a shift - for instance if someone normally works 8:00-5:00 but today they are working 8:00-2:00 and from 2:00-5:00 are out for an appointment/time off, showing that would be helpful. Along with this allow us to have employee settings for who does/doesn't need to clock in and out. We only have a handful of hourly people.
Lauren Nemecek
Basically be able to see the Staff Rosters on the app. Yes, I have thought that before, too. Currently we use an alternative app for communicating with staff, different groups for different purposes, and we post the schedule in there.
Angela Angela Ferrecchia
Yes please
Weekly Report Email DefaultLastName
Sounds good