Editing sales that have already processed
Georgia Butler
Sometimes our receptionist forgets to change the name on a sale from our assistants (who applies the toners and treatments) to the stylist name. As the manager I would go and change them in the sales so that the stylist has the commission recorded under their name. However the new sales page does not allow for me to change the staff name.
Heather Stafford
Georgia Butler Are you changing it under sales or in the schedule? I'm able to make edits in the sales transaction.
Natalie Sterling
You should be able to do this already. To do it I believe you click on the stylist name and then click through pay again and it saves those changes.
Stacie Sheely
I’m able to make the change after checkout.
Geraldine Ping
Totally agree Georgia, we very often have the same situation.
Jean Hamilton
Even in the old screen, I sometimes notice that when a change is made post-payment, it doesn't reflect in the sales report for the stylist which we use to calculate commission.
Lauren Nemecek
Yes! I have sent in a support request for this. Thankfully, I can still switch back to the old sales screen. We have receptionists, or helpers, who occasionally forget to mark the Vish sales appropriately.
Mike Messenger
We need to be able to edit the transaction post checkout